About Pat Dolan Plumbing
About Pat Dolan Plumbing
Pat started his plumbing apprenticeship in 1971. While working, he attended Nassau Community College taking courses in Business Management, Business Accounting, Marketing and Sales.
Upon completing his training in 1977, he earned his Master Plumber License allowing him to go into business. His first employee was hired in 1978 and the company has grown successfully year after year almost exclusively on word of mouth recommendations.
Pat limited his business to 25 employees upon reaching that plateau in 1983. His intention was to mold a business that developed a highly skilled group of employees, focused on customer service and also provided a career path for those employees. Now, there are 2 employees with over 35 years of service, 3 with over 25 years & 2 with over 20 years of employment, with a strong younger team following along.
The employees have all benefited from Pat’s mandate for education, training and to provide an honest, valuable service for his customers.
Pat’s enjoyed watching his employees’ children grow from birth through college and marriage and has also benefited from having a number of second-generation employees. Despite his role of Grandpa, Pat continues to enjoy working with his employees as well as assisting his wonderful long-term customers with both their residential and commercial plumbing needs.